I had already begun to realise that the things that looked simple were taking the longest time to complete. The locker area above the cab was no exception.
I went through many ideas on how to finish the front of the locker and what to do to an area that looked so obviously partly complete. It had a nice plastic shelf that I didn't (couldn't) need to remove.
My final solution was to add a couple of wooden members to the metalwork with screws and adhesive to act as a frame. I could then insulated the sides with wool and enclose with a wooded plate, cut to shape. This plate could be screwed to the frame and bolted to the plastic tray.
The middle section was insulated with rigid foam sheets and a piece of 3mm ply was bent to shape between the plastic tray and frame. Screws hold the shape of the ply and the whole thing was then sealed with caulking mastic.
The front will be covered with a finishing plate later.