More Holes for Roof Vents
Cutting more holes in the panels, this time the roof. I was fitting two vents, one at the rear above the table/bed and one above the cooking area. The rear vent is a Dometic Mini manual vent with bult-in mesh and blind. The front vent also has a fan to created forced ventilation. We went for the clear Maxx Fan with remote (so we can change it from the bed!). Both from Jackson Leisure.
Having chosen a position for both centrally between roof ribs, the cut out was marked on the outside. Tape was place on the outside edge to prevent scratching the paintwork. A hole was drilled in each corner and then a jigsaw used to cut the metalwork. The vents were trial fitted to check clearance and then the edges were filed smooth and painted.
The rear vent is clamped in place using the frame inside so no extra holes were made in the roof. The roof was cleaned and prepped before the roof gulleys were filled with plastic pieces and Sika adhesive/mastic.
The roof was cleaned and primed before more Sika adhesive was used to seal the vent flange to the roof. More sealant was used around the edge of the flange to make sure there was at least 2 water tight seals.
A wooden frame had been made to be the same size as the hole and the same depth as the roof insulation and with some offcuts of ceiling cladding it was sandwiched between the vent and the inner frame and all screwed together.
The front fan was slightly easier as the roof was flat and the outer frame screwed directly into my wooden frame. Check the sizes as the two frames are slightly different for the vents I used.